Saturday, October 27, 2007

Kakau from Kaua'i, O'ahu

Local surfer. His smile. His spirit. Kicking it with his little bro. The Kakau on his arm is a sleeve; goes all the way around. Mean.

More Tees, O'ahu

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Aroha in Hawai'i, O'ahu

Professor from Aotearoa with a mission to empower indigenous women of every nation. Powerful Mana.

Her jacket. A Maori designer. If anyone knows the name of the designer, let me know, please.

A Find from Aussie, O'ahu

Monday, October 22, 2007

Pasifik Youth, SLC

Competing in the Tahitian Fete. Isn't she just lovely? Loving her tank top too.

Check Out the Earpiece, SLC

Competed at the Tahitian Fete in SLC, UT. She's a runner up for Ms. Teen Colorado and will be competing in Dec. for Ms. Teen USA. Let's send lots of good energy her way. (and check out her earpiece)!
Pretty awesome.

Fete Instructor, SLC

She's a pasifik designer too! Cannot wait to display her designs on this site!

Cutest 15yr. old, SLC

What my nephew lacks in pasifik style, he makes up for in dimples.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Match Made In Heaven

I just decided that "Pasifik Zen" and "A Find in Aotearoa" should consider hooking up.

What do you all think???

Otherwise, still at a conference with no equipment to post. Pics as well as a summary of the "emotion of water" will come asap.

In the meantime, can you see any other matches?


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Blog Action Day, the u.s. continent

It's the 16th of October and I missed Blog Action Day. On October 15th, bloggers around the web united to blog about single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. I'm late posting. Although not intentional, I believe I was meant to forget until this very moment. I just left a lecture on the power of water. More details tonight.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A find from Aotearoa, O'ahu

From head to toe. Brilliant.

Hoping, Wishing, Praying, O'ahu

Since I started this blog I have been hoping hoping hoping to run into her. She is the fusion I aspire to.

Beautiful Sia, O'ahu

Beautiful black pearl pendant, young mana in bloom, beautiful Sia.

Te Whanaketanga, O'ahu

Went to Te Whanaketanga on O'ahu. The mana, the inspiration, the style. Here are some t-shirt designs. Contact me if you want info. about the artists.

Friday, October 12, 2007

A Wonder, O'ahu

"Do you mind if I tell your age on the blog?"

"I don't mind at all!"

She is (deep breath) 73 years old. Fabulous Hawaiian/Tongan who raised five children and practices martial arts. She's a beautiful wonder.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Maori Kid, O'ahu

Retro Vans with Maui fish hook. His style is awesome.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cool Chick in Diamonds and flip flops, O'ahu

This picture (too excited to focus!) does not do her justice. She's doing a little black dress (and doin' it well!) North Shore style.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Pasifik Zen, O'ahu

Peace. Love. Tatau.

Contemporary Maori Woman, O'ahu

Renowned poet and artist. She's in a class all her own. This is mana.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Asia Unplugged, O'ahu

Rainy, cloudy day on the island. Scouting the local grocery store. Almost gave up. Went to the check out stand and she walks in. Bone dry with no umbrella. Fabulous.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Young Woman from Tonga, O'ahu

Modest. Tongan. Beautiful.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Feel Free to look at the month of SEPTEMBER!

The two photos in September did not get enough exposure! Those pics are two of my favorite.
Check them out. You'll be inspired.

Going Places, O'ahu

Riding by and had to stop her. That's a Roots bag. Love it.
Love the beads, love the flats, love it all.

Off to Work, O'ahu

Caught up with him. So nice. Note the Honu pendant.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hat with Plumeria, O'ahu

Love this student. Similar hue, some pasifika patterns. Fusion Galore!

Male Perspective, O'ahu

Tupenu. Casual school wear.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Isles Are Drenched

So much rain today. Even more clouds. I'm going for groceries tonight . . . I'm certain there will be a find.

Monday, October 1, 2007

On a Saturday Afternoon, O'ahu

Pretty, petite, and strong. She loves the aqua, loves the surf.

On a Saturday Afternoon, O'ahu

You may be thinking "Halloween theme" but think again. It's a Bird of Paradise-modified. Note the honu print bracelet.